One recent feature addition is the "debmake -k" command which audits debian/copyright contents against the latest source. If, for example, the upstream changed the license from GPL-2.0+ to 3,0+, this command will tell you this change. (In the debian/copyright, the more specific entry should be listed after the generic entry since parser uses the last definition as the valid one.)
I admit that this package had some regressions in some previous versions. It is now a stable tool to help making multiarch aware Debian packages of any types. If you had negative experiences, please try this again.
Let me quote from its documentation for the features. (Also available in the package.)
The debmake command is intended to replace functions offered historically by deb-make and dh_make commands. Its features include:
- use of dh syntax under the new debhelper (> 9.0) package
- extensive check of copyright for DEP-5 (debian/copyright)
- substvar supports for binary packages (debian/control)
- support of compiler hardening options (debian/rules)
- keep pre-existing Debian package configuration files untouched
- automatic generation of the missing template packaging files
- easy verification of the debian/copyright file against the current source. (-k option)
- easy packaging command line UI supporting
- non-stop execution with clean results
- direct operation on the tarball archive
- direct operation on the source tree from VCS
- the multiarch Debian package
- the multi binary Debian package
- the non-native Debian packages from the VCS snapshot
- seamless work with debuild, pdebuild, etc.
| I wrote this debmake command because there was no easy command like "python bdist_deb" to create the Debian binary package. Now "debmake -d -s -b":python" -i debuild" does the job for me. |
This documentation comes with detailed packaging examples, too.
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